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Posted on: January 1st, 2012 by hauleymusic No Comments

In 1767, a song entitled “Rural Felicity,” was included in the play, The Elopement, which was performed at the Theater Royal in Drury Lane, London. The tune was known as “Haste to the Wedding.” The song was sung by Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. Dorman.* The tune is available upon request by email @

Come haste to the wedding ye friends and ye neighbors,

The lovers their bliss can no longer delay.

Forget all your sorrows your care and your labors,

And let every heart beat with rapture today.

Ye votaries all attend to my call,

Come revel in pleasures that never can cloy.

Come see rural felicity, Which love and innocence ever enjoy.

Let envy, let pride, let hate and ambition,

Still crowd to & beat at the breast of the great.

To such wretched passions we give no admission,

But leave them alone to the wise ones of state.
We boast of no wealth, but contentment & health,

In mirth & in friendship our moments employ.
Come see etc.

With reason we taste of each heart stirring pleasure,

With reason we drink of the full flowing bowl.

Are jocund & gay, but all within measure,

For fatal excess will enslave the free soul.
Come come at our bidding, to this happy wedding,
No care shall intrude here our bliss to annoy.

Come see etc.


cloy- to cause distaste or disgust by over-ealing or drinking.

felicity- great happiness or bliss.

jocund- cheerful, lighthearted, sprightly.

mlrth- happiness, joy, merriment.

rapture- bliss, delight, joy, pleasure.

revel- celebrate, make merry.

rural- country, rustic, wooded.

votaries- faithful followers, those filled with enthusiasm.

*Musical Magazine (The) ; or, Compleat Pocket Companion for the year 1767. Consisting of Songs and Airs for the German Flute, Violin, Guitar, and Harpsichord … London, Sold by T. Bennett, 160 pp. 1767.