Nov 1780 Oneida Indians at Schenectady.
The remnants of the Oneida and Tuscarora Nations who supported the Rebels, congregated outside Schenectady, NY. Their village and food had been destroyed during Brant’s raid in the summer. Rebel General Philip Schuyler was appalled at their condition and appealed to Congress to aid these people who had fought “readily and loyally” for the Rebels. He felt the United States was “bound by every principal of honor” to come to the aid of a people who had been reduced to their desperate condition solely through their attachment to the cause of American liberty.
Some of the Indians moved north hoping to hunt and survive in small huts. However, their clothing was minimal and according to Schuyler, was not adequate to cover one eighth of their number.
On March 8, 1781, the New York State Legislature ordered 185 blankets to be purchased for the Indians. With winter nearly over, they received some minimal clothing.
Source: Barbara Graymont, The Iroquois in the American Revolution.
Dec 1780 Rebel southern command changes.
Rebel General Nathaniel Greene assumed command of Rebel forces in the south and begins to rebuild the army. He is joined by Gen Lighthorse Harry Lee (Robert E. Lee’s father), veteran units from various states, and Francis Marion’s Swamp Fighters.
Source: Harv Hilowitz, Revolutionary War Chronology & Almanac.