Index of Articles


Posted on: December 1st, 2016 by hauleymusic No Comments

Many poems and songs were included in Captain Dewees book. This article contains most of them.

Your preface already too long — now let it cease.
Leave war awhile and contemplate sweet peace;
Peace that passeth understanding, and that gives,
A glorious zest of life to him that rightly lives.
” No trumpets” now ” with martial clangor sound.
No prostrate heroes strew the crimson’d ground;
No groves of lances glitter in the air.
Nor thundering drums provoke the sanguine war;
But white-robed peace, and universal love
Smile in the field and brighten every grove.
There all the beauties of the circling year,
In native ornamental pride appear;
Gay rosy-bosom’d spring and April showers.
Wake from the tomb of earth the rising flowers;
In deeper verdure SUMMER clothes the plain.
And AUTUMN bends beneath the golden grain;
The trees weep amber, and the whispering gales
Breeze o’er the lawn, or murmur through the vales;
The flowery tribes in gay confusion bloom,
Profuse of sweets, and fragrant with perfume;
On blossoms blossoms, fruits on fruits arise.
And varied prospects glad the wand’ring eyes.
In these fair seats” we’d ” pass the joyous day.
Where meadows flourish and where fields look gay;
From bliss to bliss with endless pleasure rove.
Seek crystal streams, or haunt the vernal grove.
Woods, fountains, lakes, the fertile fields or shades,
Aerial mountains or subjacent glades;”
Alternately, our fond attentions shall claim.
Better our hearts and swell Grace’s inspiring flame,
Grace, that points the soul to yonder heavenly bright sphere,
Where Happiness and Peace shall reign unceasing, in one eternal year.

There stood the Volunteer shivering: Sentinel bold.
Battling for his Columbia’s weal and not for gold,
Pierced by old Winter’s keen and cutting frosts,
A monument of triumph truly, in justice emboss’d.
In memory of the illustrious dead,
The immortal heroes, who have bled,
Their country to defend;
Let grateful toasts re-echo round,
And let their fame’s eternal sound.
From earth to heaven ascend.”

“Cursed be the mad wretch that shall dare to destroy,
Our Rights which from Heaven’s high God we enjoy,
And blasted their schemes whosoever shall strive.
The COMPACT of Union asunder to rive.

‘Tis ours undaunted to defend
The dear bought rich inheritance.
And spite of each invading hand.
We’ll fight, bleed, die! in its defense;

Pursue our father’s paths of fame,
And emulate their ‘glorious flame!’
The foe shall fly, when the brave are lead on.
By Freedom’s pure and noble ” Washington.”

What’s hallowed ground? where heroes sleep,
‘Tis not the sculptured piles you heap,
In dews that heavens far distant weep,

Their turf may bloom;
Or gently twine beneath the deep
Their coral tomb.

Is it death to fall for Freedom’s right?
He’s dead alone that lacks her light!
And murder sullies in heaven’s sight
The sword he draws:
What can alone ennoble fight?
A nobler cause!

What’s hallowed ground? ‘Tis what gives birth.
To sacred thoughts in souls of worth!
PEACE, ” LOVE,” INDEPENDENCE, Truth go forth
Earth’s compass round;
And your high priesthood shall make earth
All hallowed ground.”

” Liberty, from whose imperial eye.
Unfettered limb, and step of majesty.
Perpetual sunshine brightens all the air.
When undisturbed by man in wrath is there!
And prostrate armies now, are kneeling round,
They see the rolling clouds! they hear the sound
Of pealing thunders! while her martial form
Lightens tremendous in the gathering storm!

They breathe that buoyant mountain atmosphere.
And kindling in their eyes those lights appear,
Those quenchless lights! – that despots, tyrants dread
When man comes forth in might, and lifts his head
Sublime in desperation; when they hear
The song of trumpets bursting on their ear!
The shock of armies! and, afar, behold
Rebellion’s crimson standard all unrolled!

When slaves are men are monarchs and their tread
Comes like the resurrection of the dead!
Man bursts his fetters! shakes his sheathless sword
Stands on his grave, and battles with his lord
For sepulture or freedom eye to eye
And swears to live his equal, or to die,
In glorious martyrdom to glorious LIBERTY.
Then let the trumpet of the battle sound!

Then let the shuddering challenge peal around!
‘Till all our ruffled eaglets start and wake
And scream aloud and whet their beaks and shake
Their guardian wings, o’er mountain, wood, and lake?
The blast will but disturb the spirit there;
But rouse the she wolf from her bloody lair;
But wake the fiery harnessed multitudes:
The dark battalions of untrodden woods;

Whose viewless chiefs shall gird their armor on.
And lighten o’er the fields their valor won ;
‘Twill waken echoes in that solitude,
Less welcome than the panther’s cry for food;
Less earthly than the voices heard, when night
Collects her angels on some stormy height.
And airy trumps are blown! and o’er the heaven
Ten thousand fearful challenges are given!” John Neol.

“There blend the ties that strengthen
Our hearts in hours of grief,
The silver links that lengthen
Joy’s visits when most brief;
There eyes in all their splendour
Are vocal to the heart,
And glances, gay or tender,
Fresh eloquence impart?

Then dost thou sigh for pleasures!”
Or fear on battle fields to “roam,”
Go guard the country’s treasures,
Liberty! Friends and Home.
Go, Soldier, and battle nobly
For God, for country and thy home,
Go bless time’s latest posterity.
Nor fear, on battle fields to roam.

S. Hanna.

“Now, now the dangerous storm is rolling,
Which treacherous kings confederate raise;
The dogs of war, let loose, are howling.
And lo! our fields and cities blaze.
And shall we basely view the ruin.
While lawless force with guilty stride.
Spreads desolation far and wide.
With crimes and blood his hands imbruing.
To Arms! To Arms! ye brave!
Th’ avenging sword unsheath :
March on, March on, all hearts resolv’d
On victory or death.”

“Our Eagle shall rise, ‘mid the whirlwinds of war.
And dart through the dim cloud of battle; his eye
Shall spread his wide wings o’er the tempest afar,
O’er spirits of valor that conquer or die.
And ne’er shall the rage of the conflict be o’er.
And ne’er shall the warm blood of life cease to flow
And still ‘mid the smoke of the battle shall soar
Our Eagle till scattered and fled be the foe.
When peace shall disarm war’s dark brow of its frown^
And roses shall bloom on the soldier’s rude grave
Then honor shall weave of laurel a crown
That beauty shall bind on the brow of the brave”

“Raise the flag of freedom high.
Loose its folds and let it fly.
Let it wave o’er land and sea.
Emblem of the BRAVE and FREE.
Let it wave o’er spire and dome
And o’er the freeman’s happy home.
Although released from death they be.
In coral grave or cemetery.
Let it wave in peace and war.
O’er the soldier and the tar.
Although in peace they rest from harm
Until the bugle sounds the alarm.
Let it wave o’er the smiling plain.
Wave it o’er the boundless main.
Wave it o’er blest COLUMBIA’S shore.
Until time shall be no more.”

1st. ” To Liberty’s enraptured sight,
When first Columbia’s region shone;
She hail’d it from her starry height.
And smiling ciaim’d it as her own
Fair land, the GODDESS cried, be free!
Soil of my choice! to fame arise!”
She spoke, and heaven’s minstrelsy,
Swell’d the loud chorus through the skies..
All hail, forever great and free,
Columbia land of Liberty!

2d. Columbia’s genius heard the strain.
And proudly raised his drooping crest;
His sons impatient fill’d the plain,
While panted high each patriot breast.
Their fetters they indignant spurn’d;
They waved their falchions high in air.
And where the Goddess’ altar burn’d.
From kneeling warriors rose the prayer
To die be ours, if thou art free,
Columbia land of Liberty.

3d. War blew her clarion loud and long.
Oppression led his legions on:
To battle rushed the patriot throng.
And soon the glorious day was won
Each bleeding freeman, smil’92d in death;
Flying he saw his country’s foes.
And wafted by his latest breath.
To heaven the cheerful paean rose
Content I die for thou art free:
Columbia land of Liberty !

4th. And shall we ever dim the fires
That flames on freedom’s hundred shrinks?
Shall glory’s children shame their sires?
Shall cowards spring from heroes’ loins?
No ’97 by the blood our fathers shed.
Oh freedom ! to thy holy cause;
When streaming from the martyred dead.
It seal’d and sanctified the laws
We swear to keep thee great and free!
Columbia land of Liberty.

“Come strike the bold anthem, the war-dogs are howling.
Already they eagerly snuff up their prey;
The red cloud of war o’er our forests are scowling.
Soft peace spreads her wings, and flies weeping away;
The infants affrighted, cling close to their mothers.
The youth grasp their swords, for the combat prepare;
While beauty weeps, fathers, and lovers and brothers.
Who rush to display the AMERICAN STAR.

Come blow the shrill bugle the loud drum awaken
The dread rifle seize let the cannon deep roar;
No heart with pale fear, or faint doubtings be shaken,
No slave’s hostile foot leave a print on our shore.
Shall mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters left weeping.
Insulted by ruffians, be dragged to despair?
Oh no ’97 from her hills, the proud EAGLE comes sweeping,
And waves to the brave the AMERICAN STAR.

The spirits of bold Davis, Warren and Montgomery,
Look down from their clouds, with bright aspect serene;
Come, soldier, a tear and a toast to their memory,
Rejoicing they’ll see us, as they once have been.
To us the high boon by our God has been granted.
To spread the glad tidings of Liberty far,
Let millions invade us, we’ll meet them undaunted.
And conquer or die by the AMERICAN STAR.

Your hands then dear comrades, round Liberty’s altar.
United we swear by the souls of the brave!
Not one, from the strong resolution shall falter.
To live independent, or sink to the grave!
Then Freemen fill up lo! the Striped Banner’s flying,
The high bird of LIBERTY screams through the air,
Beneath her. Oppression and Tyranny dying
Success to a beaming AMERICAN STAR.”

” Thus hand in hand thru’ life we’ll go,
Its checker’d paths of joy and woe.
With cautious steps, we’ll tread;
Quit its vain scenes without a tear.
Without a trouble or a fear,
And mingle with the dead.

While conscience, like a faithful friend
Shall thru’ the gloomy vale attend.
And cheer our dying breath;
Shall, when all other comforts cease,
Like a kind angel whisper peace,
And smooth the bed of Death,”

“Our band is few, but true and tried,
Our leader, frank and bold;
The British soldier trembles
When Marion’s name is told.

Our fortress is the good green wood.
Our tent the Cypress tree:
We know the forest round us.
As seamen know the sea.

We know its walls of thorny vines,
Its glades of reedy grass.
Its sage and silent islands
Within the dark morass.

Wo(e) to the English soldiery
That little dread us near!
On them shall light, at midnight,
A strange and sudden fear.

When waking to their tents on fire.
They grasp their arms in vain;
And they who stand to face us
Are beat to earth again.

And they who fly in terror, deem
A mighty host behind,
And hear the tramp of thousands
Upon the hollow wind.

Then sweet the hour that brings release
From danger and from toil:
We talk the battle over.
And share the battle’s spoil.

The woodland rings with laugh and shouts
As if a hunt were up;
And woodland flowers are gathered
To crown the soldiers cup.

With merry songs we mock the wind
That in the pine-top grieves.
And slumber long and sweetly
On beds of oaken leaves.

Well knows the fair and friendly moon,
The band that Marion leads;
The glitter of their rifles.
The scampering of their steeds.

‘Tis life our fiery barbs to guide
Across the moonlit plains;
‘Tis life to feel the night wind
That lifts their tossing manes.

A moment in the British camp>
A moment, and away
Back to the pathless forest.
Before the peep of day.

Grave men there are by broad Santee,
Grave men with hoary hairs;
Their hearts are all with Marion,
For Marion are their prayers.

And lovely ladies greet our band,
With kindliest welcoming;
With smiles like those of summers
And tears like those of spring.

For them we wear these trusty arms,
And lay them down no more
Till we have driven the Briton,
Forever, from our shore.”

“But now I end my lyric strain
I tremble while I show it!
Lest this same warrior drover. Wayne,
Should ever catch the poet.”

There’s a tear that falls when we part
From a friend whose loss we shall mourn;
There’s a tear that flows from the half-broken heart,
When we think he may never return oh! never.

‘Tis hard to be parted from those
With whom we forever could dwell,
But, bitter, indeed, is the sorrow that flows
When, perhaps, we are saying forever farewell .

There’s a tear that brightens the eye
Of the friend, when absence is o’er;
There’s a tear that flows not for sorrow, but joy,
When we meet to be parted, no never, no more, .

Then all that in absence we dread
Is past, and forgotten our pain;
For sweet is the tear we at such moments shed,
When we behold the lov’d object forever again.”


In that sweet season, when the mountain sun.
Prepares with joy his radiant course to run.
Led by the graces, and the dancing hours,
And wakes to life the various race of flowers;

Our eyes are ravished with the sylvan scene.
Embroidered hills venerable groves in living green,
Such was the seat where courtly Horace sung,
And his bold harp immortal Maro strung,

Amid sequestered bowers near gliding streams,
Druids and Bards enjoy’d serenest dreams;
Even “lovely queens” forsake their “shining” courts,
“For rural scenes and healthful “sylvan” sports.”

Bold chief, who stood nobly, on freedom’s towering height,
Battling fearlessly with Heaven’s foes in gigantic might,
Battling with implacable cruel foes of man
Throughout, even from when freedom’s patriot war began.

Thou, all hail, first father of pure liberty here.
Liberty! nought in thy heart was ever prized more dear,.
Liberty! its brightest halo around thee is shed,
Liberty’s laurel wreath still encircles a Washington’s head.

Liberty’s loud paeans bear upwards thy praise.
Liberty’s echo responds, loud and high let it raise.
Liberty’s sons will stand faithful and firm to their chief,
In valley, on hill, plain, steep rock and reef.

Liberty’s sweetest daughters all, all, to thee we shall bring,
Liberty’s sweetest daughters, in gratitude softly shall sing.
Liberty’s loftiest chief’s praises, Columbia’s noble son,
Our virtuous executive chief, noble George Washington.

As Liberty’s pure streams shall flow over all lands.
Liberty’s bold echo shall spurn, all tyrants commands;
Liberty’s loud response from setting to rising of sun,
Liberty shall be, God, Truth and George Washington.”

Oh! time is sweet when roses meet,
With Spring’s sweet breath around them;
And sweet the cost, when hearts are lost.
If those we love have found them.
And sweet the mind that still can find
A star in darkest weather;
But nought can be so sweet to see
As old friends met together!

Those days of old, when youth was bold.
And time stole wings to speed it,
And youth ne’er knew how fast Time flew,
Or, knowing, did not heed it!
Though grey each brow that meets us now,
For age brings win’try weather.
Yet nought can be so sweet to see
As those old friends together!

The few long known, whom years have shown
With hearts that friendship blesses,
A hand to cheer, perchance a tear.
To soothe a friends’ distresses:
Who helped and tried, still side by side,
A friend to face hard weather;
Oh! this may we yet joy to see.
And meet old friends together!