Oct 2, 1780 British Major Andre hanged.
On direct orders of George Washington, Major John Andre is hanged as a spy. This is after the British refuse to exchange him for Benedict Arnold who had gone over to the British side.
Source: Harv Hilowitz, Revolutionary War Chronology and Almanac.
Oct 7, 1780 Battle of King’s Mountain, SC.
As the British advanced into the mountains of western South Carolina, a large number of small Rebel militia units rallied quickly to defend the area. The British, mainly Loyalist units, numbered approximately 1,500 while the Rebel total is estimated to have been between 1.400 and 1,800 men.
The action lasted about one hour. Some reports noted scattered firing during the roundup of Loyalist prisoners that resulted in some Rebel militia shooting unarmed prisoners. Rebel losses were put at 28 killed and 64 wounded. The Loyalists lost 157 killed, 163 too badly wounded to move and about 700 prisoners. The prisoners were marched off to Hillsboro, NC. All but sixty of these escaped within a few months. Once the prisoners were marched off, the rest of the Rebel militia broke up and went home.
Source: Mark M. Boatner III, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution.